Program Customization


One of the significant advantages of the WZ Method of Interview and Interrogation is its flexibility.  The WZ Method was designed, and is consistently updated, to be successful in a wide range of cases for clients across any industry.  At WZ, we recognize that although our clients share the same goals, they face different challenges in achieving them.

Our instructors collaborate with our clients to ensure that we create the exact program to fit their needs.  We understand that the WZ Method is most effective when it is executed within each organization’s established procedures.

We offer programs that range from short presentations to five-day courses.  The most rewarding programs we facilitate are the seminars that we create from scratch with our clients.  These seminars provide us with the opportunity to assimilate our expertise with individual clients within their corporate or agency structure.

To  learn more about how the experts at WZ  can provide customized solutions for your team please contact Brett Ward at 1-800-222-7789 x119 or

Industries WZ has created customized seminars for include :

  •             Human Resources/Workplace Investigations
  •             Law Enforcement
  •             Federal Agencies
  •             Loss Prevention
  •             Auditors
  •             Operations Management
  •             Small Business Owners
  •             School Administrators
  •             Pharmaceuticals
  •             Insurance Institutions
  •             Logistics
  •             Production Facilities
  •             Financial Institutions
  •             Hospitals
  •             Child and Adult Abuse
  •             Physical Security Professionals

Topics available for custom seminars include but are not limited to:

  • The WZ Non-Confrontational Interview and Interrogation Method
  • The Participatory Method
  • The Cognitive Interview Process
  • Interviewing victims, witnesses or subjects
  • Interviewing to solve cases without evidence
  • Telephone Interviewing
  • Pre-Employment Interviewing
  • Interviewing Strategies
  • Difficult/Coaching Conversations
  • Negotiation
  • Reducing Resistance
  • Developing Full Confessions
  • Obtaining Written Statements
  • Interpretation of Physical and Verbal Behavior
  • Identifying Potential Indicators of Deception
  • Effective Accusations
  • Handling Denials
  • CFI Prep Seminar Material