don't tell me how to feel, an introduction to emotional intelligence, by tom mcgreal, cfi
Don’t Tell Me How to Feel!
When an individual begins to relate an emotional experience, it is important that the listener...
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Q&A Webinar “Isn’t it Obvious? The Truth in ‘He Said, She Said’ Investigations”
In our recent training session, “Isn’t in Obvious? The Truth in ‘He Said, She Said’...
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A Senate Hearing, But Nobody is Listening.
Watching the Kavanaugh hearings and subsequent “expert” opinions has me really concerned about the inability...
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Think They’re Lying? Think Again.
“Her eyes darted back and forth as if she was thinking of a response…” “Based...
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He Said. She Said. Now What?
The daunting task of investigating a harassment claim is one that is faced by many...
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Lies, lies and more lies …the clever brain that lets liars get away easily!
Study shows lying gets easier for those who lie repeatedly!  A new brain study recently...
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Burke Ramsey: A Lesson in Behavior Interpretation
If you have turned on your TV in the last couple of weeks or logged...
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Know When to Hold’em or Fold’em Poker: Through the Eyes of an Interrogator
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!  Spotting and properly interpreting “tells” at the poker...
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