WZ Articles

Take 2: Lessons Learned in the Interview Room
We’re human and we all make mistakes.  It’s inevitable.  At some point in your investigative career you’ll find yourself making a mistake during the interview process.  Many times the person you are interviewing will be unaware of the mistake, but it’s always a good idea to keep a mental record...
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5 Quick Fixes to Your Pre-Employment Interviews
Clear the background check, drug test, and pass through a series of scripted behavioral based interviews with all of the decision makers. That sounds like a great process until about three weeks after hiring the candidate you find out they omitted something from their application. They have a problem with...
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Identifying Intent: An Auditor’s Guide to the Truth
Another day, another audit. The routines of compliance or auditing professionals may seem very rigid, full of checks and balances, checkmarks and scores; sometimes even the announcement that an auditor is onsite will cause a location or department to completely derail from their current focus and scramble to satisfy all...
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Netflix’s Making a Murderer: An Interrogator’s Perspective
The Netflix documentary “Making a Murderer” is causing an outcry for justice in a perceived unjust system.  The 10-part documentary depicts for the viewer a perspective of Wisconsinite Steven Avery, and his nephew Brendan Dassey as they travel through the many layers of the criminal justice system.  This series has...
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5 Kickstarters to your New Year’s Resolutions
Creating New Year’s Resolutions is an annual tradition of creating a wish-list for ourselves that usually falls by the wayside by Valentine’s Day. Think about the resolutions you’ve made in years past.  You may have resolved to establish a workout routine and a healthier eating plan.  Maybe you resolved to...
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A Tale of Two Headlines: Persuading vs. Reporting
Guilty or Innocent?  Right or Wrong? Apparently it depends on which article you read and the author’s motive. In a culture where the most controversial stories result in better ratings, it is inevitable that these persuasive reports will exist.  However, it causes unfair and unjust consequences for those parties involved...
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Top 5 Ways to Build Rapport: Whether It’s an Interview or a First Date
Are you one of those people that can connect with anyone?  Do you know someone that seems to make friends anywhere they go?  Sure, this could be for a number of reasons – but most importantly these people have a skill in building rapport. People relate with other people who...
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Go Behind the Scenes with WZ: Assigning the Best Interviewer
A large source of Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) training material and ongoing research comes from our very own Investigative Division.  Within this division, we get contacted by organizations, both private and public, to assist or lead in an investigation.   Once we take on the investigation, part of the process includes deciding who...
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Know When to Hold’em or Fold’em Poker: Through the Eyes of an Interrogator
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!  Spotting and properly interpreting “tells” at the poker table is more of an art than an exact science, and it’s a talent that most players acquire only after years. But who has that kind of time?  Dave Thompson, CFI takes his interrogation skills...
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5 Characteristics of a Professional Interviewer
What do you do for a living? A question we have all received, but probably all answer differently.  In some way, shape or form, we attempt to tell people that we are professional interviewers in some capacity.  After answering this question several times myself, I thought I would highlight 5...
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