WZ Articles

Any Questions? Preparing for a Sexual Harassment Investigation
Did anyone else hear (feel) that loud “WHEW” a handful of weeks ago?  ZERO chance you missed it.  I happened to be in the air and its power knocked my plane off its heading.  The Captain came across the intercom – “Folks – hope everyone’s okay back there.   Unsure as...
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Ready to Interrogate? Don’t Bet On It!
You flop the straight flush and the player before you raises into you. You hide your reaction attempting to contain your excitement about your pending payday as it is almost as sure a bet as the sun rising in the morning.  As the play continues and your anticipated winnings lay...
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Are You Ready?
The New Year is a time for resolutions; where we try do something a bit better than last year.  Making a small change which enables us to be prouder of who we are. So I would ask you to think about how you handle and resolve investigations. Last year we...
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4th Quarter Playbook
While a football game can take only 60 minutes of actual playing time, the preparation for such a game takes 12 months of hard work.  There are a lot of similarities between a game and life.  Just like in the game, we are committed to winning. Not just you, but...
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So Many Cases, So Little Time
Investigators often carry heavy caseloads and have minimal time to conduct extensive interviews. Pressures to complete their assignments come from a variety of directions including supervisors, the media, the public and often the victim or their family.  Internal pressures, often a desire to be successful, may also be a factor....
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Female Interviewers v. Male Interviewers: Is There an Advantage?
In the past, men and women have been viewed in traditional roles. Currently, these roles are becoming more blended. Both men and women may fail to build the necessary rapport for a successful interview. Either sex may appear unconfident, unorganized, unkempt, uninterested, and disrespectful. Both men and women may be...
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He Said. She Said. Now What?
The daunting task of investigating a harassment claim is one that is faced by many human resources and employee relations professionals on a daily basis.  The difficulties with these types of investigations are countless and include the lack of evidence, reliance on hearsay and emotional impact on all of those...
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Tools of the Trade: Mastering Each Method
When it comes to home improvement or fixing a car we all are well aware that multiple tools are needed to get the job done efficiently and effectively.  Using the wrong tool may delay the process or result in even further damage.  This same rule applies to interviewing methods, an...
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Top 10 Reasons for Becoming an IAI Member
As the International Association of Interviewers (IAI) enters its 5th successful year, I find myself reflecting upon the many questions I have been asked about the IAI, and the value it brings. Said differently, over the years several interview and interrogation professionals had asked me what value an IAI membership...
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Maximizing Mentorship
Heavy lies the crown.  Success brings many rewards and many responsibilities.  One of the greatest responsibilities your success bestows upon you is passing everything you’ve learned on to others who are eager to develop their careers.  The very best leaders don’t see the next generation as a threat, withhold information...
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