WZ Articles

Never Stop Learning
Somehow, someway, I am entering my 30th year here at WZ.  From the youngest kid they ever hired to now the longest-tenured instructor we have ever had.  We have hired some fantastic talent with great ideas that involve changing the way we conduct interviews and teaching others to be better...
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It’s All About What and Who You Know
Throughout my career, I have had the fortunate experience to work alongside some amazing investigators (both public and private sector) and have had some first-hand experience in dealing with the criminals involved in ORC organizations. Many of us investigators are self-driven and detail-oriented. We have a good level of understanding...
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but how are you with paper? the importance of documentation, by tom mcgreal cfi and bryan barlow cfi
The Importance of Documentation
The ability to effectively document investigative actions is a skill that must not be overlooked. The consequences resulting from a poorly written report may range from slightly embarrassing to downright disastrous. Documenting a comprehensive investigation is a skill that can be learned. We acknowledge a lack of education in writing,...
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New Year, New You
It feels like we are closing the book on an unpredictable, undesirable, and totally unnecessary year of our lives. You’re counting down the seconds for the ball to drop so the slate can be wiped clean.
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the virtual training experience, from concerned to confidence, by dave thompson, cfi
The Virtual Training Experience
The feedback we receive every week serves as a constant reminder to never underestimate the power adaptation can have on an organization's success.
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Why Can't I Find My keys? how memories are retrieved, an article about recall by tom mcgreal, cfi
Why Can’t I Find My Car Keys?
The human mind can store billions of pieces of information. Searching through this massive amount of detail seems exhausting. It may help to know how research has advanced our understanding of the human mind, forgetting, and recall.
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Conviction Review Unit Report: Key Takeaways
The findings of this report are not uncommon, nor a surprise to anyone who has studied the phenomena of false confessions. However, the repetitive nature of the same contributors should be an alarming wake-up call to investigators.
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don't tell me how to feel, an introduction to emotional intelligence, by tom mcgreal, cfi
Don’t Tell Me How to Feel!
When an individual begins to relate an emotional experience, it is important that the listener remains non-judgmental.
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Opioid Investigations – A Collaborative Approach
Opioids continue to wreak havoc on our communities and impacting families across the country. Law enforcement professionals working to eradicate drug abuse must work closely with mental health professionals to understand the root cause and possible mitigations with this crisis.
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Evaluating Responses to Investigative Questions
When responding to a direct question, an immediate answer is usually the most effective way of communicating a truthful and precise response.
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