Candidates sitting for the CFI examination may prepare for the test in several ways.

  1. The candidate may elect to sit for the examination using his personal experience and knowledge as the basis for preparation. CISA strongly recommends the candidate reviews reference materials and not simply rely on personal experience and knowledge.
  2. The candidate may choose to use the Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. Certified Forensic Interviewer Review Program. The computer-based review program covers all the sections and tasks identified as being necessary to be a CFI by the national survey. The printable text sections provide the candidate the information necessary to successfully complete the tasks listed under each of the separate sections in the content outline. There is an online self test at the conclusion of each module, so the candidate can assess his understanding of the material. The questions are linked back to the pertinent text material so they may be easily reviewed and the correct response to the question understood.  The CFI Prep course is active for 6 months. Course re-activation costs $200. To re-activate, contact our administrator at 800-222-7789 Ext. 100.
  3. The candidate may elect to attend a CFI Preparatory Seminar designed to assist individuals in preparing for the examination.
  4. The candidate may prepare by reading and studying the textbooks used to prepare the examination (see below).
Certified Forensic Interviewer Preparation Course (Option #2)

The Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. Certified Forensic Interviewer Preparation Course is designed to review the 15 major content areas represented on the CFI Examination. This course has been designed with both online and offline features.

While you are offline, you will have access to the printable text material represented in the 15 chapters of the review program. When you are online, you will have access to both the offline text content, as well as audio and video scenarios, pictures and graphics that support the training objectives.

Each of the fifteen sections has a series of review questions to assure the user’s understanding of the material. These questions and Final Review Examination are available only when online. The Final Review is comprised of 100 questions pulled from the 15 chapters of material which are representative of the content included in the Certified Forensic Interviewer Examination.

Certified Forensic Interviewer Textbooks Used (Option #4)

The following listed textbooks were used in the development of most of the questions for the CFI examination. This list is not exclusive; other resource materials were used to prepare the examination. Applicants planning to study for the examination may find it helpful to review the information in the following textbooks. These textbooks may be ordered from any bookstore or the publishers.

(Hard Cover) New Second Edition!

David E. Zulawski, CFI and Douglas E. Wicklander, CFI

Author: Charles Remsberg

Calibre Press 2001

Authors: Arthur Aubry, Jr. and Rudulph Caputo

Charles Thomas Publisher 1980

Telling Lies

Author: Paul Ekman